FileBack PC 4.1
Fast & Flexible Backup Software for Microsoft Windows
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FileBack PC Knowledge Base

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Troubleshooting: Advanced diagnostic mode of FileBack PC

3776 (45%)

Troubleshooting: Network-Related Issues

3266 (66%)

Error: "EOutOfResources," "Win32 Error," "A Win32 API function failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"

4650 (54%)

Error: ERangeError scanning folders

4054 (75%)

Error: "RASAPI32.DLL / RASMAN.DLL cannot be found or opened"

4016 (54%)

Error: "Source/Destination Media Not Accessible" error message.

3927 (42%)

Error: "Can't Find FILEBACK.EXE" at startup after uninstalling FileBack PC

3830 (53%)

Error: "Unable to copy" error messages

3677 (45%)

Error: "Unable to copy..." large files

3673 (38%)

Error: "COMCTL32.DLL is out of date"

3647 (50%)

Error: "FileBack PC is getting old and should be updated"

3595 (40%)

Error: FileBack is unable to map a NetWare drive which uses NDS.

3535 (50%)

Error: "Access violation... in FileBack.exe"

3452 (66%)

Error: Access is Denied error message

3274 (40%)

Behavior: FileBack PC locks up or gives an error message at startup

4328 (58%)

Behavior: When FileBack PC is running my computer locks up or crashes

4212 (57%)

Behavior: Older version of FileBack PC runs after installing automatic update

4081 (45%)

Behavior: After a change into or out of Daylight Time, FileBack PC re-copies all of my backup files

4052 (50%)

Behavior: FileBack PC is not able to send email through an SMTP server

3942 (55%)

Behavior: Poor performance backing up large folders

3909 (88%)

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